Penetration testing and security audit services performed by our certified experts

SSL247® Security Packages

All organisations, regardless of size and industry, are potential targets for attacks on their information systems. With all threats deriving from a security defect created during configuration, development or maintenance that has been carried out, it is not only the large corporations that bear the brunt of these attacks and threats. Our security services aim to identify these defects before they turn into exploitable threats.

Penetration Testing Icon

Penetration Testing

An attack simulation on a computer system, a network, or an organisation under real-world conditions.

Security Audits Icon

Security Audits

Precise review of technical aspects to complement penetration testing. These audits can also be performed independently from a penetration test.

Read Team & Social Engineering Services Icon

Red Team Services

Red Team services involve the simulation of real and efficient attacks strategies applied to your infrastructure.

Incident Response Icon

Incident Response

Our Incident Response service is designed to assist you when an attack or penetration has been discovered within your information system.

Why choose SSL247®?


Responsive and flexible

Our accredited security consultants and certified pentesters are here to respond and advise you on the most appropriate approach to follow.


Technically competent

All our consultants and auditors are regularly trained by third-party organisations to be kept informed about the latest vulnerabilities and attack techniques.


Certified experts

Our consultants hold the following certifications, amongst others: OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional), OSCE (Offensive Security Certified Expert) and OPST (OSSTMM Professional Security Tester).

Why perform penetration tests and security audits?

Our expert, highly skilled security and penetration testing specialists can examine the robustness of your infrastructure, networks, applications and policies to assess the resilience of your security controls, and to identify all areas that a hacker could exploit to gain unauthorised access.

Based on a signed agreement between the tester and organisation, our in-depth tests provide assurance that companies can operate at a level of security that is suitable for handling sensitive information.

Which solutions do we offer?

Security Audits

Precise review of technical aspects to complement penetration testing. These audits can also be performed independently from a penetration test.

Comprehensive and detailed reports

Penetration Testing Sample Report

Our reports are much more than a simple list of vulnerabilities generated with an automated tool. From the methodology and strategies employed to the traces of information, our reports provide as much information as possible, enabling your teams to understand and replicate the exploitation or verification of all identified vulnerabilities.

Get in touch with one of our experts today

For more information on how our security services can protect your business, simply get in touch with one of our friendly accredited consultants for a no obligation discussion: