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To install your Personal ID certificate and sign your emails with Microsoft Outlook Express please follow these instructions:

Install your Certificate

1. Launch Outlook Express.

2. Go to Tools > Accounts.

3. Choose Mail and select the email address you want to configure.

4. Click on Properties and then Security.

5. In the Signing Certificate section, click Select... and choose the certificate you want to use.

6. Click OK.

7. Do the same for Encrypting preferences.

Sign and Encrypt your email messages

1. Click Create Mail.

2. In the Message ribbon, you will see two Mail Security buttons. The first is the Signing icon and selecting this will sign your email with the chosen certificate. The second is the Encrypting icon and selecting it will encrypt your email.

3. You can automatically sign every outgoing message. Go to Options > Tools and click Security. Make sure you check Digitally sign all outgoing messages.

4. You can automatically encrypt every outgoing message. Go to Options > Tools and click Security. Make sure you check Encrypt contents and attachments for all outgoing messages.

Encrypting your emails

To encrypt your emails, you need to have a copy of the digital certificate of the intended recipient. When you receive a signed message, you can save the certificate of the sender in your Contacts List. You therefore need to create an entry in your Contacts List for each person. You must also import his digital certificate into the Contacts List.

Save a Digital certificate from a signed message

1. Open the signed message.

2. Right-click on the senders name (or email address) beside "From:" and click Add to Address Book.

3. The Contact and his Digital certificate will be added to your Contacts List.

Import a Digital Certificate

1. Create a new address or open an existing one in your Contacts List.

2. Go to Digital IDs.

3. Choose Import and select the digital certificate file and click Open.

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